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Q. I have an ingrown toenail that occasionally gets red and irritated. Can I use a foot peel?
You should always wait until any foot irritations heal before using a foot peel — never use if you have foot issues, especially open sores. That’s because ingredients like lactic acid can be irritating to skin that’s already damaged, inflaming the issue and causing you pain. You can try applying an unscented, gentle foot cream for sensitive skin to treat dry feet instead.

Q. How often can I use foot peels?
 Although products vary, most manufacturers of foot peels recommending using them about once a month. That’s because the time between applying the masks and the exfoliating process takes several weeks to complete. Overuse can results in red, irritated skin.

Q. I don’t have the time to sit for an hour or longer while wearing foot peel booties. Is there a way I can do this treatment while doing other tasks around the house?
 Propping up your feet for 60 to 90 minutes while foot peel booties are working isn’t practical for everyone, plus the wait can become boring. You can keep the masks in place by slipping an old pair of socks over them while they do their magic, and continue taking care of other business.

Q. Can I use a foot peel while I’m wearing toenail polish?
While your toenail polish won’t interfere with what a foot peel can do for your skin, the chemicals in the ingredients may fade or even remove the polish. If you have a fresh pedicure with pretty polish, wait until it’s time for a new one to apply the peel.